
Archive for February, 2014

for Allister

et cetera


People’s worlds collapse around us every single day. We hear of it on the news, read of it in the papers or online, and in our heads we assume, that will never happen to me. And maybe it won’t – but then again, sometimes it does, or to someone close to us. On Saturday evening this young man, 17-year-old Allister Maguire-Buck was killed in a road collision in Stockton, Norfolk. He was student at my school and in my yeargroup, and I know when we return after our half-term holiday tomorrow morning the rooms and corridors of our large sixth-form house will be heavy with the knowledge of his loss.

I can’t claim to have known Allister all that well. The most time we spent together was a week in Madrid when we both participated in an international session of the Model European Parliament – the above photograph was taken…

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